This week I’d like to share an article that I have had for a long time. I am not sure who the author was or from where I received it. I do however believe the words will ring true for everyone.
First, what is the difference between your brain and your mind? You may have said before “I’m going out of my mind!” However, you wouldn’t say, “I’m going out of my brain.” Your brain is the soft mushy, three-pound pink tissue inside your head. It has its own wired-in biological impulses. It thrives on oxygen, glucose, and amino acids which is certainly not very romantic! But your mind; well that is simply the brain in action. It is the part of you that wants a hot fudge sundae, but then you say to yourself, “I’ll get one after I study for this upcoming test.” So you wait awhile, and get it later. Your brain is biology, it wants you to survive, but the mind makes life interesting. Get the difference?
Back to your brain; Give your brain a goal and it wants to reach it. Your brain is a very goal-directed organ. Imagine a goal with color, sound, taste, smell, and feel. Now your brain wants to reach that goal. If you make it more real, it wants it even more. Make the goal extra-attractive and now the brain really wants it. Make the goal something that links up with other goals you have, and the brain craves it. Make the goal an absolute, definite must and the brain really, really, really wants it.
Do you get the idea? The brain learns early to seek goals. It’s your mind that wants to talk you out of them or into them. So what does this have to do with school?
Simply said it means that you need to set short-term goals, long- term goals, set easy goals, set hard goals. Set goals you want, set goals you know are good for you. BUT SET SOME GOALS!!
Let’s say you already have a specific goal in mind, like your new career. However, you need to make these goals more specific. It is not enough to say, “I want to be a medical, legal, culinary, business, professional. You should decide what position you wish to be in, where you want to do your externship or be employed at and when you want this to happen.
Next, the time commitment is important. By setting a date for completion, you have created focus and purpose. Goals are great, not only because they help you stay on track, but also because they keep you from being distracted by other paths that may sound interesting. The time deadline gets you focused on the when as much as the what.
Finally, give yourself reasons to reach your goals. Goals with time deadlines create a laser sharp deadline, but a reason is the “fuel” for striving for it. In sports, every team sets as their goal - winning the championship, but only one team wins it. Is it always due to talent? Not really. It’s usually the team that wants it more. The one that is more dedicated, more motivated to win, and more intense in emotion. That’s right, your feelings are important. The stronger you feel about reaching your goals the more likely you will do it.*
So, give your brain some goals, be specific, set a time line and make it something you really, really want!! This is your future, you are in control and Your journey begins now.
*Excerpts from an article--- Unknown Author
My quote for this week is “The world is round so the place that may seem like the end, may in reality be just the beginning”. Have a great Summer 'A' Module!
Sharon Eifert
Associate Director of Student Services