Friday, July 29, 2011

Interview Bonanza at Dorsey Schools – Roseville!

Dorsey graduates participated in more than 100 job interviews last week!  During an on-site Career Fair, ten employers were on hand, interviewing 37 medical, administrative and culinary students for available positions.

Companies included: The Medical Team, The Office Team, Home Instead, Concentra, All Valley Home Care, Park Place Senior Living, Continental Services, Aramark (at Lawrence Tech University), LGC, and AVI Fresh at Wayne State University.

To date, five graduates have already started new jobs! Many others are being called back for second interviews and job shadowing opportunities. 

Prior to the Career Fair, the Career Services Coordinators were busy meeting with graduates, assisting with researching companies, practicing interview skills and making sure everyone was “dressed for success.” 

The feedback we received from the employers was wonderful!  They were pleased with the caliber of candidates, their professionalism and their overall skills.

This was also a great opportunity for current students to network and receive valuable information to help them in the near future.

We are looking forward to many job offers in the next few weeks as a result of the event. Thanks to all of our grads for their hard work in preparing for the Career Fair!

Dawn Pauli
Director of Career Development

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finals Are Almost Here: Schedule & Tips!

We are halfway through week five, which means the Summer A module is almost over. We are looking forward to a successful completion to the module next week with final exams.

Right Now is a great time to begin studying for your exams. More about that in a minute.

Remember, final exam day is a free jeans day! (Evening students, jeans may be worn on Thursday night only.)

Below is a list of study tips that you might find helpful as you prepare for finals. But first, here is the schedule for final exams at Dorsey Roseville:

·         Wednesday, August 3rd (Evening Only) – Final exams for classes that meet on Monday/Wednesday evenings.

·         Thursday, August 4th (Afternoon / Evening) – Final exams for afternoon classes that meet four days a week and classes that meet on Tuesday/Thursday evenings.

·         Friday, August 5th (Morning / Midday / Afternoon) – Final exams for morning and midday classes, as well as afternoon classes that meet five days a week.

Okay, here are some study tips that you may find useful:

Study Tips (source:

  1. Set aside time. This one's a given, but it is important to determine how you will fit all of your studying in and schedule it in a planner. If you work 8 hours a day, you know what hours those are. If you have class or a seminar, you know not to schedule other meetings or activities at that time. Do the same by scheduling your study time into your day. As an adult learner, it is even more important to set these schedules and expectations with your friends and family. You've taken the step to go back to school and improve your life - be sure to keep others in the loop on your progress and success, and they should be able to understand your need for uninterrupted study time. The good thing to know is that a series of shorter study sessions distributed over several days is preferable to fewer but longer study sessions. This is especially important for those students who juggle work, family, and school.

  1. Don't try to learn it all. Select a reasonable chunk of material to study. Make a list of topics that are likely to be on the exam and prioritize these subjects based on how important they are and how much more you need to learn about them. Spend the majority of your time familiarizing yourself with the subjects you are less confident about, and do it at the beginning of your study session, when you have more energy and are ready to dive in.

  1. Dress uncomfortably and sit at a desk. This one was offered to me by my 11th grade chemistry teacher. If you dress comfortably and set up your study session on the couch, you're apt to lose focus, be interrupted and be less productive. Sit upright at a desk and avoid dressing casually so that you can remain awake and attentive.

  1. Put it in your own words. Don't just memorize the information and move on. You should be able to explain the main ideas in your own words. By putting it in a context that you understand, you will have an easier time recalling it than if you simply repeated a concept over and over without really connecting to it.

  1. Seek support. Check with the other students in the class to get their perspectives on what important information will be on the exam. Suggest a group session where you share study guides and talk about the material out loud. Verbalizing the information is the key to storing the material in your long-term memory.

  1. Chew gum. Though not a fool-proof plan if you haven't truly studied the material, an informal study by a Cornell University marketing professor has shown that chewing gum offers improved memory and concentration which may improve your test-taking abilities.
Good luck on your finals everyone!

Matt Thisse
Academic Dean

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Turning Point Coming To Dorsey Roseville Campus This Week!

Representatives from Turning Point will be speaking to students on July 26, 27 and 28 to share information about the services the organization provides, including a 24-hour crisis line, 24-hour emergency shelter, support groups, and more.

Turning Point Presentations
July 26, 27 & 28
Evening Culinary
Tuesday, July 26th
Bldg. C  Rooms K4 & K5
Evening Regular*
Tuesday, July 26th
Bldg. C  Room C7
Afternoon Regular*
w/1pm class in Bldgs. A&B
Wednesday, July 27th
Students in Bldg. A&B go to Bldg. B  Room B1
Afternoon Regular*
w/1pm class in Bldg. C
Wednesday, July 27th
Bldg. C Room C7
Afternoon Culinary
Wednesday, July 27th
Bldg. C Rooms K4 & K5
Morning Culinary
Thursday, July 28th
Bldg. C Rooms K4 & K5
Morning Regular*
w/9am class in Bldg. C
Thursday, July 28th
Bldg. C Room C7 & C8
Morning Regular*
w/9am class in Bldg. A
Thursday, July 28th
Bldg. A  Room A2
Morning Regular*
w/9am class in Bldg. B
Thursday, July 28th
Bldg. B Room B1
          *Regular students include all students in programs that are not Culinary

Turning Point provides programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to regain control of their lives.  All services are offered at no charge to the survivor and are confidential.

Turning Point’s 24-hour Crisis Line is: 586-463-6990.  Questions can also be directed to Sharon Eifert, Associate Director of Student Services, in Building C or by calling (586) 296-3225.

All people have a right to a violence-free life.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekly News & Motivation From Student Services!

This week I have some ideas on how to stay motivated, be productive and improve listening skills.  This will help finish the module with a smile and a sense of success. 

It is hardly a secret that the key to accomplishing anything is to stay motivated.  Every one of us have had tasks, jobs, classes that we did not like. But we found ways to MOTIVATE OURSELVES to complete them. Why?- Because we see how they serve the bigger vision.

One of the hardest things to do is to keep your motivation high enough so that nothing gets in your way of completing your goal.  Setting a vision that is big enough, that you feel strongly about is the first step to maintaining long term motivation.  Motivation is the fuel of achievement; its essence determines your levels of success.  Anything is possible with a strong vision to move you forward at all times.

Productivity: the dictionary defines it as the act or process of producing.  There are lots of books that are full of great tips on how to stay productive.   However most of us can’t remember the 50 tips on how to be more productive when we are in the middle of studying, doing a project or handling a job and family.  But productivity is a tangible element that you have control over and can see the end results of your efforts.  A very good start to increasing your productivity is to get a PLANNER!  This gives you a set place to structure and prioritize your tasks, reports, work, family etc.  If you want to simplify how to be productive you need to begin with four steps;

1.    Decide what you want to do
2.     What steps will be needed to achieve this goal
3.    Learn the necessary steps
4.    Apply all of the above in an action based outcome.

Breaking large tasks into smaller mini-tasks helps to make them feel less over whelming and much more doable.  Productivity lies within you, know yourself first, love what you are doing and don’t panic.  Things don’t usually happen overnight.

Listening: According to an article in the University of Minnesota Duluth handbook, the average student spends about 14 hours per week listening (or perhaps we should say “hearing”, there is a difference) to lectures.  Try some of their strategies to see how to improve your “listening” skills.

1.    Maintain eye contact with the instructor.  Of course you will need to look at your notebook write your notes, but eye contact keeps you focused on the job at hand and keeps you involved in the lecture.

2.    Focus on content, not delivery.  Have you ever counted the number of times a teacher clears his/her throat in fifteen minutes?  If so you weren’t focusing on content.

3.    Avoid emotional involvement.  When you are too emotionally involved in listening, you tend to hear what you want to hear—not what is actually being said.  Try to remain objective and open minded.

4.    Avoid distractions.  Don’t let your mind wander or be distracted by the person next to you or near you.  Be prepared to handle classroom environment, if you chill easy bring a sweater.

5.    Treat listening as a challenging mental task.  Listening to an academic lecture is not a passive act—at least it shouldn’t be.  You need to concentrate on what is said so that you can process the information into your notes.

6.    Stay active by asking mental questions.  Active listening keeps you on your toes.  Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you listen- What key point is the teacher making?  How does this fit with what I know from previous lectures?  How is this lecture organized?

7.    Use the gap between rates of speech and your rate if thought.  You can think faster that the lecturer can talk.  That’s one reason your mind may tend to wander.  All of the above suggestions will help you to keep your mind occupied and focused on what is being said.  You can actually begin to anticipate what the professor is going to say as a way to keep your mind from straying.  Your mind does have the capacity to listen, think, write and ponder at the same time, but it takes practice.

So as you can see we really do not read with our eyes nor listen with our ears—it is our brain that must be engaged to make eyes and ears work their best.  So put your brain in gear and follow the tips and make the next two weeks your best.

“Success does not come the way you think it does, it comes from the way you think.”

Sharon Eifert
Associate Director of Student Services

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday Open House & Skill Building Workshops July 23rd!

Students, friends, and family are invited to attend the Dorsey open house on Saturday, July 23rd from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

What a great opportunity to show your friends and family where you go to school.

Do you know anyone interested in getting started on a great career path?  The Admissions Team will be here to help potential students with program information and choosing a career that’s in demand!

Catch up on school work or put together a study group.  We will also have several workshops on that day. Here’s a description of the workshops below:

Internet Job Search Workshop
(10am-1pm in Building C)
Graduates and soon-to-be-grads, come to this workshop to learn the ins-and-outs of applying online.  There are numerous job openings for PCTs, MAs and MABs at Henry Ford Hospital and the Detroit Medical Center.  Bring your flash drive with your resume on it, if you have one!  Please RSVP to your Career Services Coordinator, or call (586) 415-5089 if you plan to attend.  See you there.

Open Clinical Skills Lab
(11am-2pm in Building C)
Students can work on their proficiencies and improve their skills during this hands-on workshop. Students can perform vital signs, ECGs, injections, and phlebotomy (vacutainer only). This is a great opportunity to work on areas where you struggle and to continue to improve on your clinical skills. Team up with another student or bring your own family/friend/volunteer (injections can only be given to students). The more proficient you are the more likely you are to get hired.

Dental Assisting Lab (10am-12pm in Building C)
Dental assisting students can work on their proficiencies and improve their skills during this hands-on workshop. This is a great opportunity to work on areas where you struggle and to continue to improve on your clinical skills. Team up with another student or bring your own family/friend/volunteer. The more proficient you are the more likely you are to get hired.

Computer Skills Lab (11am-12pm in Building C)
This is a great hands-on workshop for all students. You will learn important things like how to login, how to use the Dorsey network and access your student folder, and other basic skills to improve your success at Dorsey. These skills will prove valuable throughout your learning experience at Dorsey, at home and in the workplace.

Saturday  July 23rd    10AM – 2PM

11am - 12pm
Basic Computer Skills Workshop  Bldg. C  Room C1

11am - 2pm   Open Clinical Skills Lab   Bldg. C   Room C4
10am - 1pm    Internet Job Search Workshop   Bldg. C  Room C2

10am - 12pm     Dental Assisting Lab    Bldg. C    Room C6