Important “soft skills” can make or break you on your externship or new career. All businesses have “Unspoken Rules of the Workplace”. These are rules that are normally not explained to you in your training -- but are practices everyone should observe in the working world.
I would like to share a few of the more important “Unspoken Rules of the Workplace”:
· Social media - If it will embarrass you, put you in jail or could make you lose your job, then don’t write it down in email, Facebook or any other social media.
· Be punctual. When you come in late you have disrupted your employer’s balance of work.
· Keep home issues at home and keep work issues at work. Blending home and work does not fit together.
· Do not join the local office clique. Be your own person and just do what you were hired to do – work.
· Keep your personal phone calls to a minimum and refrain from using your cell at work for anything other than for emergency calls.
· Run errands on your own time. Running errands during your lunch time is acceptable. Your employer pays you to work - not to shop.
· Do what you are asked to do, even if you don’t want to.
· Always stay busy, or ask for something else to do. Walk around with a notebook and pen.
· Work is work. Don’t expect it to always be fun.
Those employees who know and follow the “Unspoken Rules of the Workplace” are sure to succeed in their new careers!
JoAnne Jamrog
Career Services Coordinator