Monday, October 17, 2011

Dorsey Halloween Fall Family Fun Event, Open House & Workshops Saturday, October 22nd!

Students, friends, and family are invited to attend the Dorsey Halloween Fall Family Fun Event Saturday, October 22nd from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.

Halloween Arts & Crafts, Games, Prizes, Refreshments and other Fun! 

Open House from 10:00am -2:00pm.  Do you know anyone interested in getting started on a great career path?  The Admissions Team will also be here to help potential students with program information and choosing a career that’s in demand!

Workshops from 10:00am - 2:00pm.  Catch up on school work or put together a study group.  We will also have several workshops for students on that day. Here’s a description of the workshops below:

Open Clinical Skills Lab (11am-2pm in Building C)
Students can work on their proficiencies and improve their skills during this hands-on workshop. Students can perform vital signs, ECGs, injections, and phlebotomy. This is a great opportunity to work on areas where you struggle and to continue to improve on your clinical skills. Team up with another student or bring your own family/friend/volunteer (injections can only be given to students, but friends or volunteers can participate in other areas). The more proficient you are the more likely you are to get hired.

Dental Assisting Lab (10am-12pm in Building C)
Dental assisting students can work on their proficiencies and improve their skills during this hands-on workshop. This is a great opportunity to work on areas where you struggle and to continue to improve on your clinical skills. Team up with another student or bring your own family/friend/volunteer. The more proficient you are the more likely you are to get hired.

I Hope to see you Saturday!

Matt Thisse
Academic Dean
Saturday  October 22nd  10AM – 2PM

11am - 2pm   Open Clinical Skills Lab   Bldg. C   Room C4

10am - 2pm     Dental Assisting Lab    Bldg. C    Room C6

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