Monday, November 7, 2011

The Dynamic Duo - Teammates of The Modules for Summer 'A' and Summer 'B'...

This summer, it was decided by the nominating committee – unanimously – who our teammate of the module should be.  The problem was that we had TWO of them, so we hesitated on the announcement, as neither is more important than the other.  So … I have the privilege of announcing the SUMMER ‘A’ and SUMMER ‘B’ teammates of the modules at the same time!

There is no doubt that these two individuals are two of the strongest members of the Roseville team.  Each represents the mission, the values, and the integrity for which this organization stands, and does it while always smiling and always producing unparalleled results in their respective areas of expertise.

Each year, our campus is measured by the ACICS (Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools) on the number of students who find jobs in the respective fields of study using a timeframe beginning July 1st and continuing until June 30th of the following year.  Each student counted must have received gainful employment by September 15th to be counted.  Year after year, this dynamic duo manages to exceed anyone’s wildest expectations.

Ms. Angela Zini and Mr. Jim Johnson, once again, have impressed us all with an 89.2% placement rate for our Culinary Academy students!

Angela and Jim, your dedication to our students goes beyond your job.  It is clearly part of who you are.  Thank you both for everything you do and your continued support of our students.  We all commend you for a job well done!

Please join me in congratulating Angela and Jim on their combined efforts with the culinary students!

Mark Young
Managing Director
Dorsey Schools - Roseville Campus

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