Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Look What We Have Planned This Saturday, November 5th 2011!

Community Health Fair for Health and Dental Awareness
10:00am – 2:00pm
Click here for full event details:

Please contact Mr. Anthony Vollmer at 586-296-3225 or avollmer@dorsey.edu with any questions regarding this event.  We look forward to seeing you at this exciting Community Health Fair!

Culinary Academy’s Introduction to Culinary Skills “Cook Like a Pro”
9:30am – 3:00pm
Click here for full event details and pricing information:

(586)296-3225 (ask for Michelle)

Skill Building Workshop  11:00am – 2:00pm
Clinical Skills (In Building ‘A’)
Students can work on their proficiencies and improve their skills during this hands-on workshop. Students can perform vital signs, ECGs, injections, and phlebotomy. This is a great opportunity to work on areas where you struggle and to continue to improve on your clinical skills. Team up with another student or bring your own family/friend/volunteer (injections can only be given to students, but friends or volunteers can participate in other areas). The more proficient you are the more likely you are to get hired.

Open House  10:00am – 2:00pm
Who do you know that’s unemployed, needs a change or is looking for a successful career path?  

The Admissions Team will be here (in Building ‘A’) to help potential students with program information, a campus tour and choosing a career that’s in demand!

Interested candidates for Dorsey’s programs can stop in or set an appointment with an admissions advisor by calling 586-296-3225 and asking for Admissions. 

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